Advanced LoadRunner + Performance testing Online Training

What is Load Runner ?

Load Runner is a licensed Performance testing tool. It has a wide range of Supported Protocols suits all upcoming technologies. Beginners should focus on the below there categorized topics on learning.

  1. Analysis
  2. Execution
  3. Scripting

Http/HTML is the most used protocol. Every Beginner should update with the new upcoming versions

1.Define what is load runner testing and performance testing?

Hewlett Packard software testing is using by HP LoadRunner to test applications, and then evaluate the performance under load and also system behavior. Performance Testing is also known as Software Performance testing. To find the performance like a software program, computer, network or device. These tests were done in Lab, (MIPS)

Different components of Load Runner testing are (1.)VUGen (2) Controller (3) Load Generator (4) Analysis

Online LoadRunner Training 

The LoadRunner is an automated load generation product from relevant data bundles. Professionals utilize the product to create virtual user profiles analyzing client software systems and generating real time loads. Professional services then analyze the generated load in identifying the crucial loopholes in a software application. The automated testing system is effective in developing multiple virtual user profiles for simultaneous testing of different aspects in the software systems. You need to complete a Loadrunner training program from a reputed IT training service. The LoadRunner course online is available via Aditya eLearning systems Hyderabad. The leading professional training service adequately prepares professionals in exploring the various parameters of the application.

 What is Performance Testing?
 Why do We need to do Performance Testing?
 Introduction to LoadRunner
 LoadRunner Components
 Performance Testing with LoadRunner Overview

Types of Performance Testing
 Application Performance Testing
 Infrastructure Performance Testing
 Load & Peak Load Testing
 Stress Testing
 Soak Testing

Load Runner Installation
 Load Runner Architecture
 Where to Install Load Runner Components
 How to Install them to Support Our Effective Performance Test
 Identify Hardware and Software Needs for Installation

Using VuGen Component
 Introduction to VuGen
 Major Components of the VuGen Interface
 Recording a Basic Script
 Recording Options
 Recording Levels
 Replaying a Basic Script
 Different Run Time Settings
 Different General Options
 Identify Basic C Code Including Statements, Variables, and Functions
 Apply Basic Debugging Techniques in VuGen

 Function of a Transaction in a Script
 When to Add Transactions
 Adding Transactions during Recording
 Adding Transactions after Recording
 What are Parameters and How they Work
 Parameterize a Script for Load Testing
 Where to get input data from doing Parameterized
 What is Correlation
 Correlate Dynamic Values After Recording
 Using the Auto Correlation tool
 Using Manual Correlation
 Using text flags in correlation

Working with Actions
 Benefits of Multiple Actions
 Create Multiple Actions for a Web Script
 Configure Actions to Achieve Load Testing Goals

Using Controller Component
 Introduction to the Controller
 What is a Scenario?
 More About Scenario
 Elements of Scenario
 Types of Scenarios
 Creating a New Scenario
 Running a Scenario
 Scheduling Scenarios
 Identify Strategies for Creating Effective Scenarios

Executing & Monitoring a Scenario
 Executing a Scenario
 Identify Techniques to Efficiently Run a Scenario
 Performance Monitors
 Benefits of Using Performance Monitors
 Set Monitoring Options
 Configure Monitors
 Adding load generators

Using Analysis Component
 Introduction to Analysis Tool
 Importance of Analyzing Results
 Work with the Graphs to Display Data
 Server side graphs
 Client side graphs
 Correlating the graphs
 Web page diagnostics
 Export external monitors to Analysis
 How to prepare HTML Reports
 How to prepare Performance test reports using word
 How to compare the graphs with baseline graphs
 How to write recommendation after performance test

Monitoring Tools
 Perfmon(Over view)
 HP Site Scope(Over view)
Register Today to Attend Free Demo @ 91 8790679998

Load Runner Online Training Video

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