SAS Business Intelligence Online Training Course Content
SAS BI Course Content
Introduction to DWH / BI Concepts
- SAS Web Report Studio 4.2
- SAS EG 4.2
- SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.2
- SAS Data Integration Studio 4.2
- SAS BI Dashboard 4.2
- SAS Management Console 9.2
- SAS Stored Process 4.2
- SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.2
- SAS Stored Process Web Application 4.2
- SAS Web OLAP Viewer for Java 4.2
- Course Notes (Case Studies/ Exercises)
- SAS Add-In for Ms Office 4.2
- SAS Information Map Studio
- Platform flow Manager PFM
- SAS Web OLAP Viewer
- SAS BI Dashboard 4.2
Chapter 1
- Introduction
- Overview
- Audience
Chapter 2
- Getting Started: The SAS Information Delivery Portal
- Overview
- Open the Portal and Log On
- Create a Page and Add It to Your Navigation Bar
- Add a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet to a Page
Chapter 3
- Working with Lists
- Overview
- Scroll Through a List
- Delete One or More Items in a List
- PART 2 Information for Dashboard Users 11
Chapter 4
- Working in the SAS BI Dashboard Portlet
- Select a Dashboard
- Personalize a Dashboard
- Personalize an Indicator
- Create or Edit a Personal Indicator Alert
- PART 3 Information for Dashboard Administrators 19
Chapter 5
- Getting Started: Create a Dashboard
- Create a Collection Portlet
- Starting the SAS BI Dashboard from the SAS Information Delivery Portal
- Creating a Dashboard
- Create a Dashboard from Sample Data
Chapter 6
- Data Models
- Overview
- Data Model Rules
- Manage Data Models
- Create or Edit a Data Model
- Defining a Data Source
Chapter 7
- Ranges
- Manage Ranges
- Create or Edit a Range
Chapter 8
- Indicators
- Overview
- Manage Indicators
- Create or Edit an Indicator
- Indicator Displays
- Indicator Alerts
- Manage Dashboards
- Create or Edit a Dashboard
- Controlling the Appearance of a Dashboard
Data Warehousing Concepts (1week)
- What is Data Warehousing
- Why Use a Data Warehouse ?
- Available Tools in the Market
- Key Terms
- Architectural Concepts
- Primary Components
- What is ETL ?
- Data Cleansing
- Data Merging
- Data Aggregation
- Data Scrubbing
- Historic Data
- Current Data & Historical
- Complete History
- Limited/Unlimited Number of Histories
- Load Types
- First Time Load ( Initial Extraction )
- Delta Load
- Full Load
- Incremental Loads
- Schema Types
- Star Schema
- Snowflake Schema
- Integrated Star Schema
- Advantages of Each Schema
- Dimensional Modeling Techniques
- Conceptual Modeling
- Logical Modeling
- Physical Modeling
- Named Input
- Formatted Input
- Data marts
- Concept
- Dependent vs Independent Data Mart
- Enterprise Warehouse Schema
- Implementation Methodology
- Kimball Methodology
- Inmon Methodology
- Facts
- Additive Facts
- Semi Additive Facts
- Non Additive Facts
- Measures
- Dimension Table Types
- Slowly changing Dimensions
- Type 1/2/3 Dimensions
- Junk Dimensions
- Confirmed Dimensions
- Need of Time Dimension Comparison
- Why is BI (Business Intelligence ) Required ?
- Types of OLAP
- DDE Triplet
- Reporting Architecture
- Database Layer
- Interface Layer
- Server Layer
- Presentation layer
- BI Server Systems
- BI Client Systems and Functionalities
- Hieracheis
- Need of Hierarchies in Reporting
- Need for ODS in Data Warehousing
SAS Enterprise Guide
- Introduction on SAS EG Application.
- Customizing SAS Enterprise Guide options
- Setting up and managing profiles
- Importing files from sources other than SAS
- Accessing data via SAS libraries
- Grouping and summarizing data
- Gntroduction to querying data
- Filtering and sorting data
- Creating new columns with an expression
- Joining tables
- Grouping and summarizing data in a query (self-study)
- Creating new columns by recoding values (self-study)
- Creating a frequency report
- Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF output
- Creating a listing report
- Creating a graph
- Creating Stored Process from SAS EG.
- Creating OLAP cubes from SAS EG.
- Working on different STATASTICAL Procedures
SAS/DI STUDIO 4.2 (Data Integration Studio)
- Exploring SAS Data Integration Studio
- Working on Change Management
- Explaining how to define source, target data structures and designing jobs.
- Introduction to jobs and the job editor
- Working with propagation and mappings
- Working with intermediate files
- Working with the extract transformation
- Working with summary statistics transformation
- Explore status handling for transformations and jobs
- Working with the data validation transformation
- Working with the sort transformation
- Working with the append transformation
- Working with the transpose transformation
- Working with the apply lookup standardization transformation
- Iterating a job with Loop transformations
- Basics of the Table Loader transformation
- Load styles of the Table Loader transformation
- Table properties and load techniques of the Table Loader transformation
- Introduction to change management and establishing a change management environment.
- Defining slowly changing dimensions
- Using the SCD type 2 Loader and Change Data capture transformations (Pre & Post Process).
- Analyzing metadata using impact analysis
- Deploying jobs for scheduling.
- Deploying jobs as Stored Process.
- Exporting and importing metadata
- Building an OLAP cube
- Building an information map
- Building the dimensions
- Building the fact tables.
- Creating and Exploiting OLAP Using the SAS System
SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.2
- Introduction to Online Analytical Processing
- Overview of SAS OLAP Cube Studio
- Registering metadata
- Working with SAS OLAP Cubes Derived from Detail Tables
- Creating a SAS OLAP Cube from a detail table
- Generating aggregations using cross- dimensional tuning
- Setting permissions using SAS Management Console
- Viewing a SAS OLAP cube with SAS Enterprise Guide
- Working with SAS OLAP Cubes Derived from Star Sachems
- Creating a SAS OLAP cube from a star schema
- Viewing a SAS OLAP cube with SAS Web OLAP Viewer for JAVA
- Monitoring and Tuning a SAS OLAP Cube
SAS Web Report Studio 4.2
- Introduction on SAS Web Report Studio
- Calling Information Maps into WRS.
- Creating filters at WRS
- Creating Layouts for Reports.
- Creating Prompts.
- Customizable roles to authorize capabilities(From SMC)
- Working on Report Creation and Templates.
SAS Information Delivery Portal
- Introduction to SAS IDP
- Adding a Portal page
- Adding Contents to Portlet.
- Adding portlets to page.
- Utilize SAS EG to create content and publish packages to the framework
- Viewing and managing portal content.
- Portal Customization
- Call Reports from WRS to IDP.
- User level Authentication.
- Designing Portal
- Creating Dashboards.
- Calling STP into IDP.
- Cubes in PORTAL/
- Sharing portal content.
SAS Information Map Studio ;
- Introduction to SAS information Map Studio.
- updating an information map with filters, folders, and data items
- Adding additional data sources to an information map
- Overview of information map pre-filters
- Building a general pre-filter
- Building an authorization-based pre-filter
- Information Maps and Stored Process.
- Overview of stored processes
- Associating stored processes with an information map
- Using information maps in SAS Web Report Studio
- Overview of surfacing data with information maps
- Using information maps in the SAS Information Delivery Portal
- Using information maps in SAS Enterprise Guide
- Using information maps in the SAS Add-In For Microsoft Office
- Overview of OLAP cubes
- Building an information map for an OLAP cube
SAS Management Console 9.2
- User Creation and Permissions
- Creating Libraries
- Creating connections with Data Bases and SAS Applications
- Creating Repository and creating Folders levels at Repository
- Checking (TEST) connections for Different SAS Servers.
- Creating Flows For Scheduling ,Creating Jobs with dependencies and without Dependencies.
- Migration from Test Servers to Production servers.
- What is Metadata Tree and its Uses.
- Configuring Different Servers @SAS Management Console.
- Explain The Structure at SERVER LEVEL and SMC LEVEL(like Where the log files, Config Files,
Batch Files, executable files are stored For running different servers successfully.)
- Brief Explanation about LSF and Process Managers
- Brief Explanation about WEB Servers like the purpose of XYTHOS ,TOMCAT,Websphere.
- START and STOP Servers, Take Backups….