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Microsoft Azure Certification Course Content

Introduction to cloud computing and Azure
What is Subscribing to Microsoft Azure
What are Azure Portals
What is Azure Resource Group
What is Azure IAAS Virtual Machine
What is Create a Windows/Linux Virtual Machine
What is Understanding and Creating Availability Sets?
What is Load Balancing between multiple Virtual machines
What is Azure Virtual Networks
What is Create a VNet using Azure Portal and Network Security Group
What is Azure Storage
What is BLOBS
What are Tables
What is Queues
What is Azure App Services-Web Apps
What are App Types
What is Deploying Web App directly from Visual Studio
What is Scaling a Web Apps
What is Understanding Deployment Slots
What is Windows Azure SQL Database
What is Comparing SQL Azure Database to Azure / on-premise SQL Server
What is Creating and Using SQL Server and SQL Database
What is Monitoring Azure SQL Database
What is Azure Active Directory
What is Azure AD
Relationship between AD DS and Azure AD
What is Managing Users
What are Groups and Devices

Apple, IOS Online Training from India

APPLE, IOS Certification Online Training Course Content

Creating a Xcode Project for iPhone
Using the IOS Interface Builder
Model-View-Controller in IOS
Declaring instance variables in IOS & methods
Setting connections in IOS to UI Views, Setting targets and actions
Deploying an Application in IOS Application lifecycle
IOS Data Types
How to Create an instance in IOS and various Instance methods
Try Sending messages
Destroying an instance
Collection, NS Array
IOS NS Mutable Array
NS Dictionary, IOS NS Mutable Dictionary
Sub-classing an Objective-C Class
Instance Variables
Accessors and properties
Initializers, Self, Super, Class methods
IOS Object ownership
Retain IOS count management
IOS UI Button/UI Segment Control/UI Switch
Setting targets and actions
IOS Implementation methods

IOS UI Text Filed
What are protocols in IOS Implementing delegate methods
CL Location & CL Location Manager in IOS
IOS Model-View_Controller Design pattern
IOS Life Cycle of View Controllers
Using IOS Interface Builder Programmatically
UI Navigation bar/UI Navigation Item
Creation of UI Navigation Controller for IOS
Creation of IOS UI Tab Bar Controller
Using Interface Builder
Creation of Custom IOS UI Table View & Controller
Creation of UI Table View
Using the IOS Interface Builder
Custom UI Table View in IOS
Editing a UI Table View Deleting/Moving/Inserting rows
IOS Camera, Phone Library, UI Image View
Moving an Image View based on gestures in IOS
Responding to Touch Events in IOS
About Layer in IOS & UI View IOS Animation
Playing Video & Audio Files in IOS
Types of Storages in IOS, IOS NS User Defaults, SQLite, Core Data in IOS, Files
Center, UID Custom & Device Notifications
Access data from IOS User Defaults & Storing data in NS User Defaults
About App SandBox in IOS
Reading Data from files in IOS & Writing data to files in IOS
About DML and Integration of SQLite into Apps in IOS
About IOS XML and XML Parsing in IOS
IOS Basic Thread Programming and Create Custom thread to fetch data from URL in IOS
About Webservices
Simple IOS RSS Reader App
Fetching data from URL in IOS
XML Parsing, Integrate with UI
About Core Data
Store/Retrieve data using IOS core data framework
Build Sample IOS app using core data

Overview of Developer/Provisional certificates, Prepare IOS App store build
Overview of Address Book API in IOS
Overview of map kit programming in IOS I App in IOS
Overview of iPad Application UI Pop-over Controller & UI Split View Controller




Data Modeling Online Training Course Content

Data Model Defined
What Is a Data Model?
Why Data Modeling?
Who Performs Data Modeling?
Conceptual Data Modeling
Data Model Components
Data Modeling Steps
Data Model Quality
Significance of Data Model Quality
Data Model Characteristics
Ensuring Data Model Quality
Data System Development
Data System Development Life Cycle
Roles and Responsibilities
Modeling the Information Requirements
Applying Agile Modeling Principles
Data Modeling Approaches and Trends
Data Modeling Approaches
Modeling for Data Warehouse
Data Modeling Approaches
Semantic Modeling
Relational Modeling
Entity-Relationship Modeling
Methods and Techniques
Anatomy of a Data Model
Data Model Composition
Models at Different Levels
Conceptual Model: Review Procedure
Conceptual Model: Identifying Components
Creation of Models
Entity Types
Specialization Generalization
Review of the Model Diagram
Logical Model: Overview
Model Components
Transformation Steps
Relational Model
Physical Model: Overview
Model Components
Transformation Steps
Entity Types or Object Sets
Comprehensive Definition
Identifying Entity Types
Generalization and Specialization
Why Generalize or Specialize?
Supertypes and Subtypes
Generalization Hierarchy
Recursive Structures
Conceptual and Physical
Modeling Time Dimension
Entity Validation Checklist
Properties or Characteristics
Attributes as Data
Attribute Values
Names and Descriptions
Attribute Domains
Definition of a Domain
Domain Information
Attribute Values and Domains
Value Set
Null Values
Types of Attributes
Single-Valued and Multivalued Attributes
Simple and Composite Attributes
Attributes with Stored and Derived Values
Identifiers or Keys
Need for Identifiers
Definitions of Keys
Relationship: Two-Sided
Relationship Sets
Double Relationships
Relationship Attributes
Degree of Relationships
Unary Relationship
Binary Relationship
Ternary Relationship
Quaternary Relationship
Structural Constraints
Cardinality Constraint
Participation Constraint
Entity Existence
Relationship Types
Identifying Relationship
Nonidentifying Relationship
Maximum and Minimum Cardinalities
Mandatory Conditions: Both Ends
Optional Condition: One End
Optional Condition: Other End
Optional Conditions: Both Ends
Special Cases
Access Pathways
Design Issues
Relationship or Entity Type?
Ternary Relationship or Aggregation?
Binary or N-ary Relationship?
One-to-One Relationships
One-to-Many Relationships
Circular Structures
Redundant Relationships
Multiple Relationships
Relationship Validation Checklist
Informal Design
Forming Relations from Requirements
Potential Problems
Update Anomaly
Deletion Anomaly
Addition Anomaly
Normalization Methodology
Strengths of the Method
Application of the Method
Normalization Steps
Fundamental Normal Forms
First Normal Form
Second Normal Form
Third Normal Form
Boyce-Codd Normal Form
Higher Normal Forms
Fourth Normal Form
Fifth Normal Form
Domain-Key Normal Form
Normalization Summary
Review of the Steps
Normalization as Verification
Decision-Support Systems
Need for Strategic Information
History of Decision-Support Systems
Operational Versus Informational Systems
System Types and Modeling Methods
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Defined
Major Components
Data Warehousing Applications
Modeling: Special Requirements
Dimensional Modeling
Dimensional Modeling Basics
STAR Schema
Snowflake Schema
Families of STARS
Transition to Logical Model
OLAP Systems
Features and Functions of OLAP
Dimensional Analysis
OLAP Implementation Approaches
Data Modeling for OLAP
Data Mining Systems
Basic Concepts
Data Mining Techniques
Data Preparation and Modeling
Data Preprocessing
Data Modeling



AngularJS Mastering Angular 2 Online Course Content

AngularJS Mastering Angular 2 Course Content

1. Introduction to JavaScript MVC Framework & AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJS
Uses of AngularJS
Introduction to JavaScript MVC Framework
Write your first program in Angular JS
Comparison between JavaScript Frameworks

2. Dependency Injection and Controllers
Creating Controllers
Two-way binding
Sharing data between controllers
Dependency injection

3. Route, Directives, and Filters
Why use routes
Creating routes
Nested routes
Creating directives and filters

4. Creating Custom Directives and Filters
Custom directives
Why custom directives
Creating and using custom directives
Custom filters
Creating and using custom filters

5. Third Party AngularJS Modules and Testing Angular
Modules & its necessities  Usage of angular-ui
Usage of ng-grid
Usage of angular-translate and testing AngularJS

6. AngularJS with Node.js, Yeoman and Rest Exposure
Introduction to Node.js
Introduction to Yo Generator
Bower, rest exposure
Web Sockets and push notification

Module 1: Introduction to Angular 2

  • Setting up Angular Development Environment
  • Understanding Angular Framework
  • Angular Architecture
  • Angular modularity
  • Component Structure
    1. Decorators
    2. Selector
    3. Template
    4. Style
    5. Component Class

Module 2: Bootstrapping process

  • Understanding Angular Bootstrap process
  • Understanding system configuration
  • Understanding the implementation of NgModule
  • Building the first App – ‘ Hello Angular Js 2’

Module 3: Introduction to Typescript

  • Introduction Typescript
  • Configuring Typescript transpiler

Module 4: Developing an application with data binding and directives

  • Components
  • Attribute directives
  • Structural directives
    1. *ngIf
    2. *ngFor
    3. ngSwitch … ngSwitchCase
  • Implement data transformation using Pipes
  • Assignment

Module 5: Form inputs and Events

  • Implement Data Binding
  • Implement one-way and two-way data binding
  • Implement Event handling
  • Implement Error handling
  • Assignments

Module 6: Apply styles to the components

  • Create external Style components
  • Apply styles
  • Assignments

Module 7: Dependency Injection

  • Understanding Importance refactoring
  • Creating reusable components
  • Implementing Dependency Injection to consume a component
  • Implementing Promise pattern

Module 8: Implementing Routes

  • Implement Route path
  • Associate components to paths
  • Route with search value
  • Assignment
  • Project Begins

Modules 9: Implement HTTP request for get and post operations on RestFul API

  • HTTP client overview
  • Implement RxJS module for HTTP request and Responses
  • Fetch data with http.get
  • Post data with
  • Processing JSON data
  • Error handling
  • Understand Promise vs. Observables
  • Project

Module 10: Implement test environment in Angular

  • Install Jasmine
  • Configure jasmine
  • Create test cases
  • Project

Module 11: Project discussion

  • Creating modules
  • Publishing into Node package
  • Capstone Project

Python Certification Online Training Course Content

Python Certification Course Content :

Getting Started with Python:

  • Introducing Python
  • Installing Python on Windows
  • Introducing Python IDLE
  • Programming in Interactive Mode
  • Programming in Scripting Mode

Types, Variables and Input/Output

  • Using quotes and escape character
  • String Concatenation and Repeater Operators
  • Using Mathematical Operators with Numbers
  • Understanding Variables
  • Getting User Input with input()
  • Using Strings Methods
  • Converting Values

Flow Control in Python

  • The if Statement
  • The else Clause
  • Using elif Clause
  • The while Statement
  • Avoiding infinite loops
  • Values as conditions
  • Using Logical Operators
  • Planning Your Program with Pseudocode

For Loops and Tuples

  • Using for Loops
  • Using Sequence Operators and Functions with Strings
  • Finding Length with len()
  • Using the in Operator
  • Indexing and Slicing Strings
  • Using Random Module
  • Using Tuples
  • Sequence Operators and Functions with Tuples


  • Using Dictionaries
  • Accessing Dictionary values
  • Adding, Replacing and Deleting key-value pairs
  • Functions: get(), keys(), values() and items()

Lists in Python

  • Creating and Using Lists
  • len() with Lists
  • in Operator with Lists
  • Indexing, Slicing and Concatenating
  • Deleting List Element with del
  • Using Lists Methods such as append(), sort(), reverse(), count(), pop(), remove(), insert() and index()
  • Using Nested Sequences
  • Understanding Shared Refrences

Functions in Python

  • Defining Functions
  • Using Parameters and Return Values
  • Using Arguments and Defaults Parameters
  • Using Global Variables and Constants
  • Variable Scope
  • References

Object-Oriented Python

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Python
  • Creating Classes, Methods and Objects
  • Using Constructor and Attributes
  • Using Class Attributes and Static Methods
  • Understanding Object Encapsulation
  • Private Attributes and Methods
  • Controlling Attribute Access
  • Creating and Accessing Properties
  • Combining Objects
  • Using Inheritance to Create New Classes
  • Altering Behavior of Inherited Methods
  • Understanding Polymorphism

File Input and Output and Exceptions

  • The open Function
  • Input from Text Files
  • Output to Text Files
  • Storing Complex Data in Files with Pickles and Shelve
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Using try Statement with except Clause


  • Using Modules in Programs
  • Writing Modules
  • Importing Modules
  • Using Imported Functions and Modules

Python Online Certification Training | Python Online Course


salesforce online training and placement

Blue Prism RPA Online Training Hyderabad

Blue Prism Training
Process Studio
Running a Process
Basic Skills
Process Validation
Decision Stage
Calculation Stage
Data Items

2. Process Flow
Circular Paths
Controlling Play
Set Next Stage
Collections and Loops
Pages for Organisation

3. Inputs and Outputs
Input Parameters
Stepping and Pages
Data Item VisibilityData Types

Data Types
Output Parameters
Start Up Parameters
Control Room
Process outputs

4. Object Studio

Creating a Business Object
Application Modeller
Spying Elements
Attribute Selection
Write, Press
Attach and Detach
Action Inputs and Outputs
Data Items as inputs

5 Error Management
Recover and Resume
Recover and Resume
Throwing Exceptions
Preserving the current exception
Exception Bubbling Exception Blocks

6 Case Management
Work Queues
Queue Items
Work Queue Configuration


7 Additional Features
Collection Actions
Choice Stage
Log Viewer
System Manager
Process Grouping
Export and Import
Release Manager – Packages and Releases

8 Advanced Features
Data Item Initialisation
Data Item Exposure (Environment Variables)
Code Stage
Initialise and Cleanup
Attribute Match Types
Dynamic Attributes
Active Accessibility
Global Clicks and Keys


CISCO ASA Firewall Cyber Security Online Course Challenges

CISCO ASA Firewall Certification Online Training

Adithyaelearning’s CISCO ASA firewall certification online training has been specifically designed for network security professionals and individuals in organizations and businesses across the world.

We have designed this course for helping the professionals with the procedures of designing, maintaining, implementing, and troubleshooting different network security issues by making the effective use of the CISCO ASA firewall. The training modules at our institute ensure that all the individuals and users undertaking the course will get required benchmark ASA firewall certification and will thus be considered capable of managing different CISCO network environments for organizations and companies across the world.

We make it a point to offer the best in this field to all participants seeking to gain detailed knowledge of CISCO ASA Firewall and its uses.

Top Quality Training from Expert Trainers

Our CISCO ASA Firewall certification online training ensures that all the candidates undertaking the course obtain the necessary knowledge and skills required for configuring advanced and latest CISCO security equipment like high availability VPNs; failover; secure socket layer VPNs; site-to-site VPNs, remote-access VPNs, and highly advanced protocol handling. All throughout this CISCO ASA Firewall certification online training, we ensure that the students are equipped with all the skills that enable them to work as experts in the organizations they serve.

Our trainers make it a point to offer top quality training and knowledge to the candidates without causing a lot of hassle. We do not believe in coming up with false claims and this is what has helped us in achieving our objectives over time.

  • Network Security
  • Data Security
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity planning
  • Mobile Security
  • Application Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Endpoint Security
  • Identity Management
  • End User Education

CISCO ASA Firewall Certification Online Training | ASA Firewall Course


AWS Certified Solutions Architect | AWS SysOps Online Training

Course Curriculum:

  • Introduction to Linux and Windows
  • Introduction to Unix and Windows, Installation of Linux and Windows
  • User, Group Administration,
  • Disk Partitions
  • Mounting File Systems
  • Backup and Recovery

2. Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS Amazon.

Learning Objectives – You will be introduced to Cloud Computing field and various pre requisites to succeed as AWS Cloud Engineer. This session gives you the taste of real world uses cases of AWS Amazon. You will be introduced to the AWS Amazon Console and Managing, which is the basis for the entire training structure. Also, the Cloud environment setup and basic structure will be discussed.

Introduction to Cloud Computing (1 Hour): What is Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing –and why it is the coolest job of next generation, Cloud Computing skills, Use cases,
Introduction to Aws Amazon Cloud: Getting started with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Creating accounts and analyzing the cost breakdown
Evaluating Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Console, command–line tools and API

Overview of the architecture
Auto Scaling
Cloud Front
Cloud Watch
Trust Advisor

Session 2:
3. AWS Amazon EC2:
Learning Objectives – This session deep dives into various AWS Amazon services – EC2 types and their usages. In particular, the EC2 overview and types such as Windows, Linux, and Other different types. Various other important commands such as generating sequences and repeats which are a vital part of data analysis will also be discussed.

Topics – Managing the EC2 Infrastructure, EC2 Pricing, AMI’s, Snapshots, EBS, Create and Manage EBS, EC2 AMI’s, Security Groups, Elastic Load Balancers, Auto Scaling, Launch
Provisioning resources:
 Create an instance and custom AMI’s.
 Connecting to Instance and Modify all settings.
 Create and Add Elastic Block Store (EBS) and instance store root devices
 Assigning elastic IP addresses
 Mapping instance types to computing needs
 Persisting off–instance storage with EBS volumes
 Creating backups with snapshots

Session 3:
4. AWS Amazon RDS:
Learning Objectives – The biggest challenge in RDS while working with massive databases involves various sources. These RDS might be in a variety of formats likes MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL. This session targets to understand how to create RDS using AWS which might be available in varied formats for creating RDS. You will be introduced to types of RDS and its sources. These RDS will be used for our case studies throughout the training.

Topics – Relation Data Bases(RDS) Overview, Multi-AZ & Read Replicas, Types of RDS, Creating Database, Creating Read Replicas, Managing Master and Read Replicas, RDS Failover, Security Groups, Parameter Groups, Managing and accessing RDS using Open Source Tools, Create Backups and Snapshots.

Session S3:
5. Storage Services: S3 & Glacier
Learning Objectives – We will work on S3 for data uploads like images, pdfs, and videos. We will also work on storing all the logs and managing data logs in S3. The objective of this session is to prepare you to handle such real world challenges which come at your door step along with the data that was acquired. This session focusses on various tools and techniques in S3 for uploading the data into buckets and content for further data.

Topics – S3 Overview, create an S3 Bucket, create an S3 Bucket, S3 Version Control, S3 Life Cycle Management & Glacier, S3 Security and Encryption, Storage Gateway, Import Export, S3 Transfer Acceleration, Creating and Managing S3 Buckets, Uploading Data to S3, Security settings for S3, Managing Logs in S3, Managing Archiving to Glacier.
Achieving high durability with Simple Storage Service
Transmitting data in/out of the Amazon cloud

Session 5:
6. VPC
Learning Objectives – At the core, VPC is Firewall in AWS Amazon. It provides very powerful security to handle other services in a simple way. This session starts with providing techniques for handling VPC such as creating subnets, VPN’s and then it exposes you to various infra required for performing descriptive and inferential in the cloud.

Topics – VPC Overview, Types of VPC’s, Creating VPC, Subnets, Route tables, Read Replicas, Security Groups, Parameter Groups, Managing and accessing RDS using Open Source Tools, Create Backups and Snapshots

Session 6
7. Cloud Front and Cloud Watch
Learning Objectives – Data visualization is essential part of the content delivery during the data exploration and data delivery and communication of inferences from the study. You will be made to understand the content delivery capabilities using Cloud Front and its flexible to the development environment. You will learn to generate CDN for delivering the application at the end or edge locations.

Topics – Create A Cloud Watch Role, Monitoring EC2 with Custom Metrics, Monitoring EBS, Monitoring RDS, Monitoring ELB, Monitoring, Centralising Monitoring Servers, Consolidated Billing, Billing and Alerts, Monitoring and Metrics Quiz

Session 7:
8. Route 53 Learning Objectives – Route 53 is Domain Registration, Domain Management and Health Check of Domains. This session provides you knowledge on Domain registration and Domain Management. You will learn how to create or manage Hosting of Domains during this session.

Topics – Route 53 Overview, Types of DNS Records, Understanding the DNS Records, Creating Hosted Zones, Managing Hosted Zones.

Session 8:
9. IAM’s – Identity and Access Management Learning Objectives – This IAM’s is user management. You will learn how to create or manage users, groups, roles, and policies during this session

Topics – IAM’s Overview, Understanding the IAM’s, creating users, groups, roles, and policies, Managing Access Keys and Secret Keys, Authentication.

Session 9:
10. Trust Advisor.
Learning Objectives – With the increase of servers or services in the cloud, the data generated has increased many folds, bringing in the huge scope for gaining insights into the untapped security of cloud services and its data. This Session helps you learn various techniques to optimize the cloud resources and cost.
Topics – Trust Advisor Overview, Fundamental of Trust Advisor, Cost Optimization,

Session 10:
11. Real Time Scenarios and Q&A
Learning Objectives – This session gives an overview of the various cloud environment and learning tools to manage cloud infra. Also, this session gives a brief overview on the AWS architect and sysops, which is a very useful to deploy an environment.
Topics – Real-time scenarios, Real Time Architect, how to identify the resource in AWS cloud to
manage an application. Last Q&A

AWS Certification Online Training | SysOps, Architect Courses


Customization IBM Maximo Online Training

Customization topics (Section B)

  • Get introduced to Maximo Architecture
  • Understand Maximo Business Objects and its customization
  • Maximo User Interface Architecture and its customization
  • Understand Field validations
  • Understand Error Handling in Maximo
  • Understanding the Cron Tasks and Action Classes in Maximo
  • Understanding Logging and Log Messages in Maximo
  • Debugging in Maximo
  • Common coding standards for Maximo Customizations

MBO Customization (Section C)

1) Introduction to Maximo Business Object Framework.

  1. Introduction to Maximo Framework
  2. MaximoStartupServlet

ii.Maximo Login Page.


  1. Design Patterns used in Maximo

iii.Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)(AppService class)

  1. Important Maximo Framework classes
  2. MXServer
  3. MaxSession


  1. MaxVars

3) Maximo Database related classes

  1. Maximo Database Related Classes (DBManager,SQLFormat)
  2. Transaction in Maximo (MXTransaction)

iii.Persistent and Virtual classes

  1. Relationships

4) Maximo Business Objects classes

  1. Understanding the Application Set and Application Classes in Maximo
  2. Understanding the important MBO Classes.
  3. MboSet
  4. Mbo


iii.Understanding Faux and Hierarchical Mbo’s

  1. Understanding Status Handlers
  2. Customization Points.
  3. Sample customization Scenarios

5) Maximo WebClient Architecture

  1. Understanding the Maximo Client Framework.
  2. Application XML’s

iii.Maximo’s presentation Layer(AppInstance, PageInstance, ControlHandler, and properties)

  1. Understanding the Maximo System Bean classes
  2. Customization Points
  3. Sample Customization Scenarios.

6) Field Level Validation classes

  1. Understanding the field level classes
  2. Creating a custom Field Level class.

iii.Sample Customization Scenarios

7) Error Handling in Maximo

  1. Understanding the Maximo’ Error handling Framework
  2. MaxMessages

iii.Error Levels

  1. Creating custom error/warning/status messages

8) Coding Standards for Maximo

  1. Coding standards specific to Maximo

9) Cron tasks and Action Classes

  1. Understanding the Cron Tasks in Maximo
  2. Create a simple cron task

iii.Introduction to Escalation and Workflows

  1. Creating a simple Action class

10) Logging and Log Settings in Maximo

Configuration ()

  • Application designer
  • System properties
  • Domains
  • Roles
  • Database configuration
  • Actions
  • Conditional expression manager
  • Security groups
  • Escalations
  • Communication templates
  1. Migration (Section E)

  2. Integration (Section H)

  • Detail explanation of integration along with web services

Note :

  • Based on request detail explanation of any topic
  • Real-time scenarios explained
Pre requisite
  • Sql, Java oops concepts, general idea on enterprise management is added advantage.